Amazon Best Sellers Trackers
Release date: April 2024 (30-50 pages)
Price: GBP499.00

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Amazon Best Sellers Trackers are monthly reports (pdf format) published by ResearchFarm allowing to track the performance of top items (1P and 3P) in various categories and countries on the Amazon websites. This service has been launched in October 2013 and represents the only benchmark available for Amazon.

Available categories/countries:

This is a Microsoft Excel file with all the raw data collected for all the categories and regions during the latest month. Useful if you want to run your own analysis on the Amazon bestseller items.

GERMANY / Apparel (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Audible (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Automotive Parts and Accessories (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Baby (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Beauty (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Beleuchtung (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Book (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Computer and Zubehör (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Consumer Electronics (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Digital Music Track (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Digital Software (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Digital Text Feeds (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Digital Video Games (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Drogerie and Körperpflege (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / DVD and Blu-ray (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Furniture (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / GPS or Navigation System (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Grocery (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Home (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Home Improvement (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Jewelry (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Koffer, Rucksäcke and Taschen (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Küche and Haushalt (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Lawn and Patio (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Magazine (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / MP3-Alben (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Music (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Musical Instruments (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Office Product (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Pantry (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Pet Products (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Photography (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Shoes (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Software (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Sports (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Toy (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Video Games (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
GERMANY / Watch (Oct 2018)GBP479.00

SPAIN / Álbum de música digital (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
SPAIN / Canción de música digital (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
SPAIN / Casa (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
SPAIN / Cocina (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
SPAIN / Consumer Electronics (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
SPAIN / Deportes (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
SPAIN / DVD (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
SPAIN / Juguete (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
SPAIN / Libro (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
SPAIN / Material de oficina (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
SPAIN / Mejora del hogar (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
SPAIN / Música (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
SPAIN / Ordenador personal (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
SPAIN / Piezas automoviles y accesorios (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
SPAIN / Producto para bebé (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
SPAIN / Relojes (Oct 2018)GBP479.00
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